2024 has started here at 7174! Attached is the first piece of art created in 24. I love the imperfections lurking in this drawing, it’s a good way to start the year. There are lots of plans for 7174 in 2024, it will be interesting to see how they pan out, fingers crossed on all accounts.

I have to say it seems incredible that it is 2024. 1995 seems like yesterday for me and T.P. We visited SDCC for the first time that year and it sure was an eye opener. I had just started working at Marvel, on Ghost Rider 2099. I was beginning to feel like I was finally going to make this comic artist thing work as we boarded the flight to California.

As a funny aside, upon arrival we transferred to a small flight headed down to San Diego. On the way we got chatting with a comic fan, I coolly dropped my name and mentioned that I was drawing Ghost Rider 2099. The fan misheard and thought that I was asking his opinion, it was a small plane and the engines were loud. The comic fan replied:

“I like Ghost Rider 2099 but not Ashley Wood, he’s shit.”

Welcome to comics and art in general.

I was brought back to earth with a quick ka-plunk. Luckily T.P. was there to scoop up my remains and breathe life back into me, (which she has done on a regular basis since then, I might add!)

I was very insecure then, looking around, early on, I saw so much talent, new and old, and thought how will I ever find my place here? I felt like crap and everyone around me was so talented and great. I love making art but it can be crushing. 
But over time, winning more than I was losing, it seemed, I scratched out a small trench to fight my art war in. Slowly but surely the wonderful supporters, that saw what I saw, found me, and I them, then BAM! It’s 29 years later from that ego bruising flight. 

So, I say, to all of you who are just starting out on your creative journey this year, who maybe feeling crushed by creative worries and feeling somewhat insecure, don’t worry. All of those negative feelings that tell you that you’re “never going to make it,” will eventually fade into the background and go away. If you’re feeling lost, or less than worthy, just hang in, make another drawing, another painting, just allow yourself to be. That said, never, ever, think about giving up. Never let the bastards grind you down. Don’t blow out your own candle.

Ash and T.P – 7174, still in the treches and loving it.

Our thanks to all of you!

ashley wood